DELPHI Dismantling

Installations Nucleaire de Base (INB)


LEP and the 4 experiments are being operated under an agreement with INB, the French authority in charge of all nuclear installations in France. This has major consequences for the dismantling of the LEP machine, but possibly also some consequences for the dismantling of the experiments.

The LEP dismantling document which describes the strategy and the procedure of the LEP dismantling (zoning, waste study, risk analysis) has been presented to INB in September 1999 but was rejected for various reasons. One of the main points of criticism was that the  experiments were not treated in an adequate way.

It was felt that the fastest way to solve this problem, is to write a number of annex documents:

The goal of these documents is to convince INB, that the expected and also measured radioactivity levels justify to dismantle the experiments without following the full set of strict regulations which are applied to the LEP machine. In particular a complete inventory and subsequent tracing of all dismantled pieces has to be avoided. The experiments should be considered as INBlight. The tracability requirement for all material coming from LEP and other INB constraints may have indirect implications for DELPHI since we are sharing the same site and in particular the same access to the site.

The modified LEP document together with the annex documents for the experiments have been presented to ISPN and subsequently to DSIN in January 2000. A final and firm approval of the proposed procedure can however only be expected by summer 2000. Semi-official information indicates however that the French authorities will accept the experiment's proposals.


CJ 05/09/2001